18 September 2007

Third Time's the Charm?

I’m getting really sick of this! One rejection after another! So this time they actually sent me an e-mail instead of calling me telling me that I didn’t get the job. That was the second job interview in a short period of time. They say third time’s the charm but I don’t know.

All I know right now is that I have a job to go to this week and the next two weeks but after that I have no idea of what I'll be doing. I don’t want to go back to work as an "emergency temp" again when I get a phone call in the morning and I can end up working anywhere that day and then I just have to go home and wait for the next phone call.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey, never give up!!!

SSometimes you need to go throug 10-20 interviews in order to get a good job. If you give up and stop on your third one - you will never be successfull. Do not stop - just try again and again - and you will be rewarded!