26 July 2006

a conversation

Part of my online conversation with Jedi after the phone call.. _________________________________________

Seven: what's the time difference to where you live and Virginia - if there is one?
Jedi: not sure....let me look
Jedi: We are in the same time zone.....why??
Seven: L-B (what's her name?) just wrote something in one of my threads.. lol
Jedi: Oh Val
Seven: She wanted to know the time difference in case she wanted to call in the middle of the night as well...
Jedi: ROTFLMAO!!!!!
Seven: I actually gave her part of my number! LOL 01146 +"123" XXXXX
Jedi: Why only part of it??
Seven: Are you guys going to try to kill me here? I don't want to spend more nights saying nothing but 'oh my gawd' LMAO
Jedi: Now why would we want to do that to you Seven
Jedi: Why not
Seven: Because I seriously doubt she would even concider calling.. well.. I thought that about you too but apparently I was wrong!
Jedi: Never underestamate us MAJOR's´
Seven: I've come to realize that..

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